100% Online CELTA Part-Time
Want to fit your CELTA teacher training course around work and other commitments? The 100% Online Part-Time CELTA gives you maximum flexibility.
Across the innovative network of International House schools, you can take CELTA courses which are weekends only, weekdays, or a combination. So whether you have a hectic family life, are working full time, or are busy elsewhere, you are sure to find a flexible CELTA in the right time zone to suit your needs.
Most online CELTA courses involve a mixture of live online tutorials with real tutors, online teaching practice with real students, and some self-study of ready prepared materials. This gives you total flexibility. If you are a night owl or an early bird, you can choose the times that fit around you, your work, and your family.
Choosing a school in a time zone to suit you will be one of your most important decisions. Some schools schedule sessions at different times in the day because they know that students will be joining from many different locations.
You can trust us to deliver this. Not only did IH London collaborate with Cambridge Assessment English to develop the self-study materials for the CELTA Online, many different IH schools have been delivering 100% online courses successfully for more than six months now.
Even though you are studying part-time online, you will see your tutors and fellow classmates online probably once or twice a week, on a platform like Zoom.
The 100% Online Part-Time CELTA is fully approved and validated by Cambridge Assessment English. The content, course structure and daily schedule is very similar to a conventional face to face, part-time course, and at the end you will receive exactly the same CELTA qualification and certificate. All of your tutorials, and teaching practice will take place virtually, and you will still be able to have supportive chats with your fellow students online.
Browse through our CELTA courses below and choose the date, price and time zone to suit you. Fitting study around your work and family, having slighter longer to complete assignments, and still getting the same highly recognised certificate – 100% Online CELTA Part-Time has loads of benefits!
Search 100% Online PT Below
Student Testimonials
IH Mexico have been running the 100% Online CELTA part-time since May this year - as have many other IH centres. Students give their honest thoughts in the video below.
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Same course - same benefits
Same qualification – You will get exactly the same qualification whether you study it full-time, part-time, face to face, or online. The same certificate. The same qualification highly valued by employers.
Same content & same assessments – You will cover exactly the same curriculum and complete the same essays and assessments, no matter which mode of study you choose.
Same tutor support – You will still have a tutor to support and guide you, except now you'll meet them in an online space, not face-to-face. They are real – not robots!
Same teaching practice – You will complete six hours of assessed teaching practice, but in an online classroom.
Added bonus! – You will learn to teach online, an increasingly important skill, and one that the face-to-face CELTA does not usually include.
Added bonus! – Save some money on accommodation and travel.
Added bonus! – Fit around your work and family commitments.

Prefer Full-Time?
If you would prefer to dedicate a full month to your studies, consider our full-time options. Full-time online is also a great alternative, with live online classes from 9-5 every day.
If you would prefer the face-to-face experience, our schools around the world are welcoming students with open arms.
Further Details
The part-time Online CELTA gives you a lot of flexibility to train to become a professionally qualified English language teacher. As well as having some choice in when to study, you’ll have more time to complete assignments as the overall timeframe of the course will be longer.
The CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) is one of the most recognised and highly regarded qualifications to teach English as a second language. One of the main reasons why teachers and employers around the world particularly recommend this course is because of the high level of practical classroom training. You will actually teach, and be observed teaching, 'real' learners, whose first language is not English.
The course comprises 4 elements
Theoretical content Theoretical teaching knowledge is most probably delivered with ready made materials and assessment exercises. Real tutors will be there to support you virtually – they will have names! They are not robots!
Subjects covered are language awareness, the learning/teaching context, planning, methodology, classroom management, areas of language analysis and presentation, and professional development.
Observations You will have the opportunity to observe experienced teachers teaching online, and your fellow classmates. Seeing how somebody else does something is an invaluable learning experience – both the things that worked really well and the things to avoid. To help you, tutors will prompt you to look for specific techniques at different times.
Teaching practice You will teach 'real' learners throughout your course, in a live online classroom. This may sound like one of the most daunting parts of the course, but we promise you it is one of the most valuable. Your students are there to learn, but they know that you are learning as well and will be very kind to you. Making mistakes is absolutely fine, and it’s only through this that you will develop into a confident teacher ready to take on your first real class when you successfully complete the CELTA. Your tutors will give you constructive feedback about all your lessons, always designed to help you. This encourages self-reflection, a critical skill for any teacher at every point in their career.
Assessment You will be assessed on your teaching practice, and on four written assignments (essays). These are marked by your tutor, who may give feedback and allow you to re-sumbit if changes are needed. There is no exam on the CELTA.
An external assessor, appointed by Cambridge Assessment English, will check that the school is maintaining the right high standards on the course. One of your final online teaching sessions may be observed, and her or she may read your essays. They may even speak to groups of you. Don’t be worried about this part of the process – they are checking the tutors – not you!
Course length
Usually part-time CELTAs are between 8 and 13 weeks, just depending on how the centre chooses to deliver it.
The course follows the same syllabus and leads to the same internationally recognised certificate as face-to-face, or full-time, CELTA courses.