IH Director of Studies Course
The role of academic manager or DOS is highly rewarding but can also be challenging and many managers find themselves promoted to the position with little formal training or experience. This course provides essential input on the tasks and responsibilities involved in this position and will help you develop the skills you need to be an effective manager. You will learn and share with peers in a supportive environment, guided by trainers with considerable experience in academic management.
The complete course price is £633 plus 20% VAT if you will be taking this course while in the UK, or your employer is a UK-based company.
If you have completed an online course with IH OTTI in the previous 12 months, there is a loyalty discount of 10% and the price for teachers working in an IH school is £538. Just let us know on the application form if you would like to claim these discounts.
Please note that discounts cannot be used in conjunction with each other.
Who is this course designed for
If you’re looking to become qualified as an academic manager, or if you have moved into this type of role and are looking for more support and knowledge in your new job, the IH Director of Studies Course is for you.
Or maybe you are experienced already in the role of an academic manager but would like to see what happens in other schools, and learn and share with DOSes from different locations about how they deal with very similar situations to the ones you experience.
Other reasons why this course might be useful for you:
- If you are running a small school and need support and guidance on how to manage and implement systems in your managerial position;
- If you are looking to rapidly gain a better understanding and some experience of the functions of an academic director and to learn more about school management in general;
- If you would like to become a manager and want to first explore in depth the theory and best practices needed to be a good Director of Studies;
- If you want to broaden your career horizons and gain a certificate that will demonstrate your commitment to being an effective manager.
Entry requirements
To apply for this course, you should be an experienced teacher, preferably with a diploma qualification. You do not need to be an academic manager to take this course. It is desirable that you are working in an ELT context whilst taking the course, so that you experiment with some of the techniques, and also comment in the discussion forums.
Please note that your level of English should be C1 or above.
Online applications close on the Wednesday before the course starts. However, we sometimes have late availability, so please get in touch with the admissions team on ihotti@ihworld.com and we will see if there are any last minute spaces.
Course objectives
The aim of this course is to prepare someone for the role of an academic manager or Director of Studies. You will learn about the tasks and responsibilities involved in this position and gain training in the core skills so that you gain confidence and knowledge in the role.
Frequently Asked Questions
What time do I need to devote to studying? We recommend at least 5 - 7 hours each week reading, completing tasks, and joining in the discussion forums.
Are there live sessions? No. This course is asynchronous meaning you can access materials and discussion forums whenever it suits you.
Do I have to be working as a DOS now? No. But if you have some experience of managing or guiding teachers that would be helpful.
Do I have to read other books? No. We provide all the materials and links that you need.
Can I join after the start date? You will progress through the course with the other participants in your cohort and the whole group will discuss tasks and content together, so you need to be there from the start.
How many people will be in my group? Usually between 8 and 12.
Will I get a certificate? Yes. See below!

Course content
Over the 9 weeks of the input of the course there are modules taught covering the following areas:
- Becoming an academic manage
- Time Management
- Communication
- Managing Change
- Motivating Staff
- Recruitment and Induction
- Developing a Teacher Development Programme
- Observing
- Customer Satisfaction
How is the course delivered?
This course is asynchronous which means you can access the material online whenever it suits you. You do not need to log on at a certain time every week, so the course suits busy lifestyles, work and/or family commitments, and a variety of time differences. You will have the opportunity to attend a couple of live sessions if you wish but these are optional.
Your course tutors will guide and tutor you asynchronously throughout the course and you will progress with your cohort of fellow course participants. Active participation and engagement with the course activities and tasks are also essential to completing the course.
Discussion forums are an important part of asynchronous learning and create an online community that participants really value. You can share best practice tips, exchange ideas, and discuss experience with senior teachers and academic managers.
There are nine weeks of tutor led input on this course. After this you will have two weeks to complete and submit your project ready for assessment.
Your time commitment
The time commitment will vary depending on participant involvement in the online discussion forums, but as a minimum this should be five to seven hours per week. Study hours are flexible but there will be tasks that require group input and have set deadlines. The more time and effort you put into the course, the more you will get out of it.
Your fellow course participants and online community
The number of course participants will be at least eight (that is our minimum).
The online community that is created with your fellow course participants is something we know people really appreciate. There is a huge variety of ways to be successful in the role of a Director of Studies, and by logging on and discussing these multitudes with your peers during the course, you will gain a huge amount of insight, knowledge and experience which you can take on board throughout your professional career.
This course is not purely about self study all on your own - it's about making the most of these conversations and learning from each other as well as from the course material and your tutors.
The final grade for the IH DoS course is a pass or fail. The assessment for the IH DoS course is based on a final project that must be submitted within 2 weeks of the end of the course, as well as participation in the weekly tasks throughout the course. The project is based on procedures in a school and as such it is necessary to either be working in an ELT context at the time of taking the course or have extensive experience in an educational setting that you can draw on to complete the project. You will work on the project throughout the course, receiving feedback from your tutor which makes it a formative experience for participants.
Your verified digital certificate
On successful completion of this course you will receive a digital certificate. This is stored securely on a verified site, so everybody can be confident that it is authentic and real.
It will look like the image below:
You can share this with a prospective employer, client, or anybody else that you choose.
A digital certificate is more safe and secure for you than paper – it won’t get lost in the post, it won’t get damaged over time, and won’t get lost. It is always available, you can share in just one click, or you can print as many copies as you like whenever you would like. And, it’s better for the environment. Reducing paper, ink, and delivery means a lower carbon footprint.
Click here for a short video about verified digital certificates from our partner Accredible.
The course is run by qualified online tutors who have experience both of academic management and teacher training.
Meet our IH OTTI tutors here!

It covers concepts and provides information that would help anyone wanting to be a DOS. Mohammad Shehbaz Hanif
It's short and snappy. Lots of practical ideas. Dinara Massanova
More 100% online, part time, courses
Find other specialist courses which can boost your TEFL career from the IH Online Teacher Training Institute (IH OTTI).
Whichever course you take you’ll have a dedicated tutor to guide and support you and a group of peers to have discussions and share ideas with, so you'll feel part of an online community.
And all courses are online and asynchronous so you can access the information whenever it suits you.