You can trust International House to deliver the 100% Online CELTA.
You can choose to take this full time as a live online course, lasting 4 or 5 weeks. This will usually be delivered full-time from around 9am until 5pm each weekday in the local time zone of the school. The course will be delivered intensively full-time by real CELTA tutors. You will see them as well as your fellow classmates online every day, on a platform like Zoom.
Alternatively, you can take the 100% Online CELTA part time, which is particularly useful if you want to fit the course around your other work and personal commitments. The 100% online part time CELTA gives you much more flexibility. Across the innovative network of International House schools, you can take online part time CELTA courses which are weekends only, weekday evenings, or a combination. Some have a combination of self-study and live tutor input, some are predominantly live tutor input. Even though you are studying part-time online, you will see your tutors and fellow classmates online probably once or twice a week, on a platform like Zoom.
Whether you choose to take the 100% Online CELTA full time or part time, you will always have live online teaching practice with real students and tutorials with real tutors. If you are a night owl or an early bird, you can choose the times that fit around you, your work, and your family.

The 100% Online CELTA is fully approved and validated by Cambridge Assessment English, part of the University of Cambridge. The content and course structure is very similar to a face-to-face course and at the end you will receive exactly the same CELTA qualification and certificate. Read more about the advantages of taking the online CELTA here!
The innovative network of IH schools have become experts at delivering the full-time CELTA course virtually and supporting their students online. Browse through our CELTA courses below and choose the date, price and time zone to suit you.
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100% Online CELTA Student Testimonials
I simply loved the CELTA Online with IH Rome and my great and professional tutors, Flo and Chris: they were supportive, providing constructive, accurate and punctual feedback for each of our activities. It was a challenging and yet unforgettable experience. Paola B, IH Rome - Spring 2020
CELTA Online really helped me develop with many different skills. Your tutors are there for you and always use their support. It is important. I am glad I picked IH London for my CELTA. Chloe, IH London - Summer 2020
Doing the CELTA online with IH Budapest was a rewarding experience. It was tiring, due to Zoom fatigue and the intensive course content, but well worth the effort. Advice – download Zoom onto your laptop and iPhone before the course begins. Then unwind at the end of each day during the course by going for a walk. And … enjoy it! Kaya, IH Budapest - April 2020
Same course - same benefits
Same qualification – You will get exactly the same certificate as if you had done a traditional full-time face-to-face course. The same qualification highly valued by employers, certified by Cambridge Assessment English.
Same content & same assessments – You will cover exactly the same curriculum and complete the same essays and assessments as with the traditional course. It’s the same timeframe and the same tight deadlines.
Same tutor support – You will still have a tutor to support and guide you, except now you'll meet them in an online space, not face-to-face. You will also be encouraged to get to know your fellow CELTA trainees online, as you would in person.
Same teaching practice – You will still complete six hours of assessed teaching practice, but in an online classroom. Your students will be real students who need to learn English, joining from their own homes. Read more about monitoring and feedback on the Online CELTA here.
Same employability – Doing the 100% Online CELTA gives you the same certificate as the traditional face-to-face course, which means you will be just as employable. Find out what transferable skills you will pick up here and browse our Jobs page to see where the online CELTA can take you.
Added bonus! – You will learn to teach online, an increasingly important skill, and one that the face-to-face CELTA does not usually include.
Added bonus! – Save some money on accommodation and travel.

Articles about the 100% Online CELTA

Part Time Options
Full time CELTA, whether face to face or online, will last 4 or 5 weeks.
If you have other commitments which make this difficult, consider a part time option. You can work whilst studying, and achieve your CELTA in around 3 months.
There are four main ways of studying part time.
- 100% online part time with live input, is exactly the same live tutor input as the full time option, just spread over weekends or evenings. Different schools offer different modes, but it is worth searching to find what suits you.
- 100% online part time with some self study. This involves some self study of prepared materials, meaning it can be moch more flexible. There will be some times when you need to be online each week for tutorials or teaching practice, but you can choose to study the majority when and where suits you.
Finally, some schools offer a combination of some online self study, and some face to face tutor contact and teaching practice. The teaching practice may happen in discrete blocks, meaning students travel to the centre just for those blocks, or it may be on a Saturday (for example). Students considering this need to think about travel and accommodation.
Further details
The full-time Online CELTA allows you to train to become a professionally qualified English language teacher. You will study comfortably from your home and obtain the internationally recognised Cambridge Assessment English CELTA certificate. Same course and same validity of the face-to-face course, but simply delivered online!
The CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) is one of the most recognised and highly regarded qualifications to teach English as a second language. One of the main reasons why teachers and employers around the world particularly recommend this course is because of the high level of practical classroom training. You will actually teach, and be observed teaching, 'real' learners, whose first language is not English.
The course comprises 4 elements
Online input sessions Input sessions will provide you with both practical and theoretical teaching knowledge and are delivered online with tutor support. Your course tutors will take you through the main aspects of the course, such as: language awareness, the learning/teaching context, planning, methodology, classroom management, areas of language analysis and presentation, and professional development.
Observations You will have the opportunity to observe experienced teachers teaching at various levels in order to acquire even more knowledge and see how lessons are being delivered. You will receive observations tasks which will help you understand techniques which you will be able to apply to your teaching too.
You will also observe your peers and learn from each other.
Teaching practice You will teach 'real' learners at different levels. This often feels like one of the most difficult parts of the course but it is also one of the most valuable. You will be assigned a group of students who are there to learn but they also understand that you are learning too. You are allowed to make mistakes and this is your opportunity to grow and develop as a teacher. Your lessons will be delivered to students live online and you will be observed by your tutor and peers in order to get some useful feedback to work on after your lessons.
Assessment Assessment is continuous and it is based on your teaching practice and assignments. There are no exams on the CELTA. Your will receive very useful feedback from your tutors and peers after every lesson and there will also be a progress tutorial. In this process, you will learn to reflect on your teaching and have more self-awareness. There are also written assessments to submit.
An external assessor, appointed by Cambridge Assessment English, will moderate the course. They will observe your online teaching practice and will have access to online materials and all of your portfolio tasks.
Course length
Full-time CELTAs will be either 4 or 5 weeks.
The course follows the same syllabus and leads to the same internationally recognised certificate as face-to-face CELTA courses.
Book your Online CELTA course with us now!