CELTA advice from Vanja Smoje-Glavaski

Vanja Smoje-Glavaski is a trainer with IH Budapest in Hungary

How long were you an EFL teacher, and how long have you been a teacher trainer?

I've been an EFL teacher for more than 20 years, and a trainer for seven years.

What are your hopes/aspirations for your trainees?

I hope they will become/continue to develop as independent teachers who make informed decisions in the classroom and do their best to assist their students fulfil their language-learning needs in an encouraging and inspiring environment.

When you were an EFL teacher what did you like most, and how do you bring that into the classroom for your trainees?

I really liked (and still do) meeting various people and talking to them, helping them express themselves in this foreign language, and seeing them develop and ultimately reach their goals. EFL is a very rewarding profession from that point of view.

What advice would you give your trainees for successfully completing the course?

Be open to new ideas and teamwork, follow your tutor’s guidelines and always ask if you’re in doubt. Also, get organised fairly early on the course – that can save you some headache later on.

What advice would you give your trainees for an interesting and rewarding career?

There is a variety of things you could do: teaching EFL, EAP, business English, exam preparation, etc.; later, with further qualifications, you can get into educational management or teacher training, too. For me, a healthy mix of any of these areas keeps the profession interesting.