Is technology making teaching English better or worse?

Is technology making teaching English better or worse? There’s no simple answer to this question.

As the world isn’t just black or white, you can’t qualify technology as just bad or just good. It is an important part of our lives in the 21st century. Most people can’t imagine their day without their phones, tablets, social media, computers, printers, scanners, and so on.

Technological advances have made our lives easier in many ways. We can now communicate with people across the world instantly, work remotely, gain access to knowledge easier than ever before... But it has also taken some things away from us. It can give us a false sense of being close to someone, and there have also been new forms of addictions that appeared along with the development of technology.

Everything depends on your approach and your beliefs related to technology. You can either control how much you use it and for what purposes, or you can let it take control over your life. It’s up to you. 

How can technology help you teach?

Let’s be clear; nothing can really replace a piece of paper and a pen. Good old ways of teaching still work and there are things you can only teach in traditional ways. Technology can’t really help you with showing compassion and empathy and building relationships with your students.

However, classrooms aren’t technology-proof either. New inventions affect almost every aspect of our lives, and education is one of them. More and more teachers today use different types of gadgets during their lessons. Some people may have trouble getting used to it, but if put into practice wisely, technology can enhance the learning potential of a well-planned class.

Technology can be used both with children and adults. If you’re an experienced teacher, you already know that motivating grown-ups isn’t as easy as it seems. Sometimes it can be even harder than motivating the young ones. Technology can help you keep your classes interesting no matter how old your students are. Everyone loves a mix of different activities that encourage interaction and engagement. And, no matter how serious they may pretend to be, adults also love games.

1. You can include visual content.

Of course, you can make your class fun in many other ways, but from time to time, why not use a video to teach a grammar unit? Especially if it’s something that the children consider boring. Any lesson can be improved by adding pictures, graphs, videos, and other visual content. A video that makes them laugh will make it easier for them to acquire knowledge without even noticing it. Educational videos can be found on many teaching platforms, or you can even make your own. Also, if some of your students are visual learners, they will remember the lesson better.

2. You can organise online projects.

Working in groups is beneficial for children because they learn how to cooperate and communicate. They learn how to be a part of a team. You could motivate them by organising online projects that will be published on a website once they’re finished. Creating mini video lessons, learning materials or even interactive games can be really fun and also teach them many skills—collaboration, programming, filming—depending on the children’s age.

3. You can create learning platforms

Your students may do their homework more often if it needs to be done online, on an interactive learning platform. This way it is more fun for them, and you don’t have to spend your afternoons grading it because it can be done automatically. You will probably need help from someone who’s in the IT sector, but there are also free online platforms you can use. Your students will be able to share study materials, ask questions and do quizzes online, together or individually.

4. You can use apps to communicate with your students.

If you work in a private language centre, you can also benefit from using technology throughout your courses. Another great way in which it can help you maintain your groups and motivate your students outside of classes is using tools such as Viber or WhatsApp to create groups. These groups can serve you for exchanging funny memes, sharing study materials, reminding your students about their homework, or quick consults in case they need to use English at work.

5. You can make listening activities more authentic.

If you’re an EFL teacher, but English isn’t your first language, playing different videos can give your students the opportunity to listen to speakers whose first language is English and multiple accents. This may help them improve their speaking. It also gives you a chance to introduce fun games, such as guessing from what country/region a speaker comes, based on their accent.

Should children use technology?

Times have changed. Most of the games you played as a child are today forgotten and there are some new ways children entertain themselves. Whether you’re a parent or a teacher, you probably can’t avoid technology because children love to watch videos and play games.

However, excessive use of technology can have negative effects on a child’s behaviour and mental health. Research has shown that children who spend too much time in front of a screen have a lower ability to focus and tend to be less creative. Spending too much time on social media can have negative consequences, such as lower self-esteem, especially in teenagers.

This is why there needs to be some rules related to how and when children should be using computers, tablets, phones, and other gadgets. At least until they reach a certain age when they’re old enough to understand all the benefits, as well as the downsides of using technology.

You shouldn’t be trying to avoid technology completely because you need to prepare the children for the world they’re going to live in, not the one you remember. They need to be tech-savvy because their future job will probably require it, but parents and teachers need to make sure they do it the right way. Finding a balance, both for you and the children, is the key.

Can virtual learning be successful?

Virtual learning is a booming business today. As the Internet gives you many opportunities for remote work, why not try remote learning as well?

With good internet connection, this experience can be almost the same as a classroom lesson. For a language class, it’s important to see the face of the person you’re talking to, and programmes such as Skype enable you to do so.

Whether you use Skype, Viber, FaceTime or a learning platform, sharing materials via links or sending documents or photos is very easy. The sharing screen option can also help you in case you get stuck with something.

Virtual learning helps you overcome some limitations that traditional learning implies. Maybe your ideal teacher lives in a different country or on a different continent. Teacher-student chemistry is important for successful learning, and the virtual world gives you a chance to look for a teacher outside of your city. It’s also easier to find a native speaker to teach you if you’re interested in such lessons.

When you’re able to learn from the comfort of your home, it increases your productivity. You won’t be tempted to cancel a class just because it’s raining or too cold outside. Virtual learning gives you a flexible schedule and more free time because there’s no commute.


Technology has invaded our lives, and it’s not going away anytime soon. It’s progressing rapidly so you might as well get used to it and try to make the best of it. There are numerous benefits to using technology in teaching and it’s up to you to discover what works for your students.

Nevertheless, be careful not to overuse all those gadgets and to turn to traditional teaching from time to time. Don’t forget that your students are there for you; they need a human to teach them, not a projector. If you plan your lessons with care, you will surely find an ideal mix of being a modern and an old-school teacher, showing your students you love your job. That’s what always works.