100% Online PT CELTA course at IH Izmir

Izmir, Turkey
19 Aug 2025 - 25 Oct 2025

Date Location Mode Fee
Tuesdays & Thursdays 7pm – 10:30pm, Saturdays 10am – 4pm
Izmir, Turkey
IH Izmir
100% Online PT £1,299

About the teacher training centre

IH Izmir is right in the centre of the metropolitan city of Izmir, on the Azure blue waters of the Aegean Sea - just a four minute walk to the waterfront. Izmir is one of the oldest inhabited cities in the whole mediterranean basin - with a wealth of history to explore.

Once the ancient city of Smyrna, Izmir is now a modern commercial center, set around a huge bay and surrounded by mountains. The broad steets, glass-fronted buildings and modern shopping centers are dotted with traditional red-tiled roofs, colourfully painted houses, an 18th century market, and old mosques and churches. When visiting, you will definitely get a feeling of Mediterranean Europe set within modern Turkey. 

The school IH Izmir specialises in teacher training - so you will be in great hands taking your CELTA here. More than 200 people take a CELTA with IH Izmir every year. The school has more than ten years experience of training and supporting its students. 


What is the CELTA? 

The CELTA is a TEFL qualification which prepares you to teach English as a foreign language. You don’t need any existing English language teaching experience or training. It’s usually a 4 or 5 week full time course (but you can also take it part time).

Standing up in front of a class for the first time is a daunting prospect, so you need to make sure you have the skills you need to teach effectively. The CELTA prepares you for the classroom in these ways:

  • Taught sessions on methodology, lesson planning, language analysis and language skills. (In total, you’ll have 120 hours of input.)
  • The opportunity to observe experienced teachers in a real-life language classroom situations – so you can see the different skills and techniques they use.
  • Teaching yourself – with helpful and detailed feedback from your tutors.  This practical experience is invaluable when you start your first job.

You’ll have to complete some written assignments as well, but when it’s all successfully completed you’ll be ready for your first job and first students!

Read more about the CELTA here 

CELTA Online with IH Izmir

In response to unprecedented conditions with coronavirus, it's now possible to take a 100% CELTA online with the team at IH Izmir.

The full time, Fully online course has live online classes with tutors ( not based on self study). Weve added an extra week to give you training in teaching online. 

The part time fuly online courses are Tuesdays 19:00-21:30, and Saturdays 10:00-16:00. 

This is a flexible way to take CELTA. It leads to the same CELTA qualification and is assessed and moderated according to the same criteria.

Like the face-to-face CELTA course, CELTA Online has a significant practical component. You will complete 6 hours of assessed teaching practice in groups in an online classroom, from the comfort of your home! 


CELTA ONLINE student testimonials

I joined International House Izmir for my CELTA course in summer 2020 and I can say that this experience has been life-changing for me. I have been dreaming of taking the course for four years now and couldn't because it was never fully online. If you're a teacher you most probably know how challenging the CELTA can be .. long sleepless nights, hours of lesson plans, and a lot of overwhelming information to digest all at once. This was not the case with this awesome team. Well, yes there were definitely sleepless nights don't get me wrong it's the CELTA course but the trainers and the administration were just so supportive at every single stage. We were provided with every sort of support before we even realized we needed it. I'm just so grateful I was lucky enough to have done it with International House Izmir and I can't explain enough how much I gained out of working with such collaborative people. I would definitely recommend International House Izmir without any hesitation.  Asal Nofal


Every aspect of the CELTA course with IH Izmir was great - the tutors were friendly and helpful and the content of the course was both interesting and useful! It was an experience I thoroughly enjoyed and one which has helped me develop greatly as a teacher!  Natalie Cox


This course was literally one of the greatest experiences of my life that came along with knowledgeable and helpful tutors, who deliver high quality and effective lessons. Raise your experience with IH Izmir that will undoubtedly pave the way for a good career as well as the unique educational experience of your life! Ece Dolu


The Full Time Face to Face CELTA at IH Izmir 

IH Izmir is a specialist Teacher Training Centre. We run CELTAs, alongside other teacher training courses, throughout the year. 

Our full-time, face-to-face CELTAs run for 4 weeks, Monday-Friday, 10:00-18:00

CELTA students are mostly from outside Turkey, so you'll have a very international experience. The majority of participants are from neighbouring countries of Turkey. We are quite a young school, most students are between 23 to 40.


Tutors at this training centre

CELTA Student Testimonials

I had a great chance to participate in the CELTA course with amazing expert tutors and also superb experienced colleagues and friends. I learnt a lot during this course while I observed proficient teachers. I can say that CELTA is a really productive course and useful for those who want to extend their teaching capabilities.  Parisa Farokhian