100% Online PT CELTA course at IH Mexico City

Mexico City, Mexico
5 Jun 2023 - 27 Aug 2023

Date Location Mode Fee
Mexico City, Mexico
IH Mexico City
100% Online PT 1,690 USD

About the teacher training centre

At IH Mexico we exclusively offer 100% Online CELTA+AI.

This means that we are in a very privileged position to be able to offer CELTA+AI candidates the following premium benefits:

  • The only CELTA that embraces AI and other digital tools to facilitate your course experience.
  • A 100% online course using Zoom and with access to the official Cambridge CELTA Moodle website, with samples of written assignments, sample lesson plans, and video recorded lessons (both face to face classes and live online teaching!)
  • Exclusive access to the Digital Toolkit for CELTA
  • Free Bonus Course: IH Mexico Certificate in Teaching English Online, with 30hrs of input on tasks, strategies, and approaches to planning and teaching in the online environment.
  • 15% discount on our newly launched CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning) course.
CELTA pass rate IH Mexico

And there is more, such as flexibility, personalised guided lesson planning sessions, extra electives and live CELTA+AI Masterclass sessions, including a session about jobs in TEFL and access to our network of international schools and recruiters. Keep reading to find out more!

What is the CELTA?

The CELTA is a TEFL qualification which prepares you to teach English as a foreign language. You don’t need any existing English language teaching experience or training. It’s usually a 4 or 5 week full time course but you can also take it 100% online and part time.  

Standing up in front of a class for the first time is a daunting prospect, so you need to make sure you have the skills you need to teach effectively. The CELTA prepares you for the classroom in these ways:

  • Taught sessions on methodology, lesson planning, language analysis and language skills. (In total, you’ll have 120 hours of input.)
  • The opportunity to observe experienced teachers in real-life language classroom situations – so you can see the different skills and techniques they use.
  • Teaching yourself – with helpful and detailed feedback from your tutors.  This practical experience is invaluable when you start your first job.

You’ll have to complete some written assignments as well, but when it’s all successfully completed you’ll be ready for your first job and first students!

Read more about the CELTA here 

CELTA+AI 100% Online only with IH Mexico

Our program combines the renowned CELTA certification with artificial intelligence and advanced digital tools to help facilitate your course. Integrating AI tools in the program equips you with technological resources to expedite lesson planning, create innovative materials, and assess student progress, during and after the course.

Discover the groundbreaking combination of CELTA+AI, exclusive to IH Mexico, to boost your teaching skills with the help of modern tools to transform your approach to delivering dynamic lessons.

Can I continue working while I take CELTA+AI?

Like the face-to-face CELTA course, CELTA Online has a significant practical component. You will complete 6 hours of assessed teaching practice in groups in an online classroom, from the comfort of your home!

Our CELTA+AI 100% Online course timetables combine the benefit of studying online at your convenience with "virtual" face to face teaching. This gives you maximum flexibility in how you do your course and minimal time spent away from earning an income.

  • Part-time course meets 4-5 hours, once a week on a specific day, for 12 weeks
  • Semi-intensive course meets 4-5 hours, twice a week on a specific days, for 6 weeks
  • Study online the rest of the week on the official Cambridge CELTA platform at your convenience.

What is a typical week like on the CELTA+AI 100% Online?

  1. At your convenience: Teaching theory input online via the official Cambridge CELTA platform. You can study online anytime, so you can fit around your existing commitments.
  2. “Live” Sessions for Teaching Practice, Feedback and Guided Lesson Planning: Meet online 4-5 hours of live sessions once/twice a week on a specific day. We always try to open a morning and evening shift so that we can cater to people with different time requirements, but these groups are created according to the needs of the cohort. The morning shift starts at 10am (UTC-6) and the evening shift starts at 6:30pm (UTC-6) and are always Tuesdays through Saturdays.. 
  3. We also offer “live” CELTA+AI Masterclass Input Sessions covering two topics each week to supplement and complement your online study.

Will the fact that I’ve taken CELTA Online appear on my certificate? 

No. CELTA+AI 100% Online leads to exactly the same certificate as the face-to-face CELTA. Assessed outcomes are the same for all trainees, so there is no need for separate certification.


Why take CELTA+AI 100% Online with IH Mexico?

**We have an early-bird discount of 200 USD if you pay the course in full at least 4 weeks prior the start of the course**

We are the only centre that offers CELTA+AI and we are in a very privileged position to be able to offer you the following premium benefits:

  • Maximum flexibility in how you do your course in minimal time
    • Part-time and semi-intensive options to get certified while you work
  • Before the course
    • access to our Pre-CELTA course to prepare you for the rigours of the course
    • access to our exclusive Digital Toolkit for CELTA to facilitate your course
  • During the course
    • access to the official Cambridge CELTA platform for online study
    • CELTA+AI Masterclass Input Sessions to supplement and complement your online study
    • tutor guided lesson planning sessions to help prepare your lessons
    • mini-workshops for written assignment
  • After the course
    • Jobs Session for advice on finding a job after the course
    • access to our international network of schools and recruiters
    • 15% discount on our newly launched CLIL (Content language Integrated Learning) 100% online course to get certified in this rapidly growing specialism for teaching English.
    • Teaching Online Certificate, which leads to a second, separate certificate, apart from your CELTA


The biggest “complaint” about the CELTA is that it’s an intense course with a heavy workload which can be overwhelming if you’re not properly prepared. Our Pre-CELTA course will prepare you by introducing you to CELTA content and by giving you a taste of what to expect on CELTA so you thrive in spite of the workload and intensity.

DIGITAL TOOLKIT FOR CELTA (exclusive to IH Mexico)
This toolkit was created specifically with the CELTA candidate in mind and is divided into sections to help with key aspects of the course. Although use of AI is NOT a requirement of the course, we've curated some of the best tools and practical tips to make the most of technology to facilitate the CELTA experience. Harness the power of AI to speed up lesson planning and materials creation so you can focus on what's important, the teaching!

We, at International House Mexico, deliver the course using the official Cambridge CELTA materials only, making sure we follow and adhere to their international standards in all respects, including materials, tasks, sessions and content. This includes:

  • Access to a fully equipped website with ELT materials and course books for use in the classroom
  • Access to a range of recorded lessons you can watch according to you lesson focus and scope, before and after teaching practice
  • An online library with materials and resources specific to each assignment on the course
  • Access to your CELTA portfolio online even long after your course. Your CELTA portfolio is kept online on a cloud for you to access this from anywhere in the world!

We offer live sessions on two topics every week to complement and supplement your study on the platform. If you're not able to attend, watch the recording at your convenience.

Personalised “live” tutor guidance to help plan your lessons, produce materials and ask questions as needed.

Mini-workshops, extra guidance and sample papers provided for each written assignment on the course to help you produce your best work.

At the end of every course we offer a special session for Jobs in TEFL, where we discuss best practices for CVs, where to look for jobs, what to expect in interviews, and an introduction to our network of international schools and recruiters to help you achieve your goals as an English teacher.

CELTA is a methodology course and focuses on teaching general English to adults. Although you may be delivering your lessons online, that's where CELTA stops as far as "online teaching". However, if you're hired to teach online you may need to know how to plan for synchronous and asynchronous lessons, manage content on platforms, etc., and that's where our Teaching Online Certificate comes in.

This programme provides practising teachers with input and practical content to equip them with many of the tools and skills they need to deliver their classes online, both asynchronous and synchronously. It is self-study, so you can complete it in your own time, when it suits you. 


IH Mexico Electives

If CELTA is not enough, you can take any of our extra elective sessions in parallel to CELTA! As a university, we are in a privileged position to include extra elective study sessions on the course specifically designed for language work, further lesson planning, skills teaching, online applications, and more. These sessions are meant to give candidates further support if the core CELTA programme is not enough or simply take advantage of your peers, or other candidates on other programmes, and tutors, ask them more questions as needed outside regular CELTA classroom hours!

Your programme coordinator will make a list of available electives in week 1 of your course and you can join as many as you want!

What do our students say?

We have a mix of candidates from different parts of the world, but most come from the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, Mexico, and other parts of Latin America. Most candidates are between 20 and 50 years old, from different paths and walks of life, either starting in the profession, or developing their practice.

This is some feedback from the Online CELTA.

Tutors at this training centre

Linda Musatye Osuna García

I have been an EFL teacher for 23 years and a teacher trainer for the last 13.

I loved finding out my students’ real needs so I can plan my lessons according to them, matching my objectives with theirs, making sure my lessons were useful to their own lives and contexts. I love observing student first and listening to their own backgrounds so I can find specific examples, materials, techniques or ways of helping them according to their individual needs.

Rosie Elsman-Contreras

I have been an EFL teacher for 20 years and I started being a teacher trainer in 2008. Before that I was an administrative assistant at an International Cement Company (HOLCIM Group in the North of Mexico).

The advice that I would give to all my CELTA trainees is to be organized and have sound time management skills. As the course progresses the demands are higher and if the time allotted to write lesson plans, write assignments and read is tight, it will take a toll on energy levels. Focus on the progress you are experimenting, and be receptive and open to feedback, our main goal as tutors is to guide you to be successful.

Carmen Torres Marquez

I have been a teacher of English for 15 years and a teacher trainer for 4 years.

When teaching in the classroom I enjoy delivering language presentations and setting up activities. I demonstrate how I deliver the grammar presentations and how I provide instructions to carry an activity.

Andrew John Watson

I’ve been an EFL teacher since February 1994, but with a four-to-five-year career break in journalism, so more like 20 years. I’ve been a teacher trainer since becoming an accredited ICELT tutor in 2012.

I worked in radio and print journalism as a cub reporter in the UK for one year before taking Trinity Cert. TESOL in November 1993, and also as a business reporter and editor in Mexico in freelance and staff positions. In the end, I found education more satisfying than journalism, although my enthusiasm for writing persisted and informed my decision to focus on writing for teachers as a MAEd specialisation.

My hopes and aspirations for my trainees are that they leave the course with an inventory of skills and knowledge to successful navigate the first months of their job but without complacency: they’ll know about the need to upgrade teaching skills on an ongoing basis.

Eliberto Salinas Vargas

I majored in EFL and had been an EFL teacher for 13 years before becoming a trainer.

I loved it when I could help my students become autonomous learners, and ever since I started my training career, I have tried to give my trainees insight into the importance of promoting critical thinking in their lessons.

Ricardo Fajardo

EFL has been my only career – I have been an EFL teacher for 24 years and a teacher trainer for 10 years.

The key to successfully completing the teacher training course is just to work hard! Like any other profession, teaching has a number of techniques to be learnt and then mastered. You need to be ready to receive feedback and take it on board to benefit from the course even more.