About the teacher training centre
At IH Mexico we exclusively offer 100% Online CELTA+AI.
This means that we are in a very privileged position to be able to offer CELTA+AI candidates the following premium benefits:
- The only CELTA that embraces AI and other digital tools to facilitate your course experience.
- A 100% online course using Zoom and with access to the official Cambridge CELTA Moodle website, with samples of written assignments, sample lesson plans, and video recorded lessons (both face to face classes and live online teaching!)
- Exclusive access to the Digital Toolkit for CELTA
- Free Bonus Course: IH Mexico Certificate in Teaching English Online, with 30hrs of input on tasks, strategies, and approaches to planning and teaching in the online environment.
- 15% discount on our newly launched CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning) course.

And there is more, such as flexibility, personalised guided lesson planning sessions, extra electives and live CELTA+AI Masterclass sessions, including a session about jobs in TEFL and access to our network of international schools and recruiters. Keep reading to find out more!
What is DELTA Module 3?
DELTA (Diploma in teaching English to speakers of other languages) covers advanced theory and practice to help you develop in your teaching career. You need at least one year’s experience to make the most of it.
There are three modules, which you can take in any order.
DELTA Module 3 is independent research on either an ELT specialism or management. It is assessed by a written dissertation.
For more detail about DELTA and DELTA module 3, read our full guide here.
DELTA Module 3 at IH Mexico City
With IH Mexico City Module 3 is fully online. We suggest students plan to spend 15hrs a week studying and reading.
We are the largest TT centre in Latin America – we have over 15 years of experience running CELTA and DELTA.
Active job recruitment and placement – we can have vacancies in our branches in Mexico right after a course and can facilitate job placement through our agents in China, Russia, Latin America
Some people who have taken DELTA with us, have moved on to managerial, senior teaching positions, or become part of our teacher training department as CELTA and DELTA trainers
Tutors at this training centre
Linda Musatye Osuna García
I loved finding out my students’ real needs so I can plan my lessons according to them, matching my objectives with theirs, making sure my lessons were useful to their own lives and contexts. I love observing student first and listening to their own backgrounds so I can find specific examples, materials, techniques or ways of helping them according to their individual needs.
Rosie Elsman-Contreras
The advice that I would give to all my CELTA trainees is to be organized and have sound time management skills. As the course progresses the demands are higher and if the time allotted to write lesson plans, write assignments and read is tight, it will take a toll on energy levels. Focus on the progress you are experimenting, and be receptive and open to feedback, our main goal as tutors is to guide you to be successful.
Carmen Torres Marquez
When teaching in the classroom I enjoy delivering language presentations and setting up activities. I demonstrate how I deliver the grammar presentations and how I provide instructions to carry an activity.
Andrew John Watson
I worked in radio and print journalism as a cub reporter in the UK for one year before taking Trinity Cert. TESOL in November 1993, and also as a business reporter and editor in Mexico in freelance and staff positions. In the end, I found education more satisfying than journalism, although my enthusiasm for writing persisted and informed my decision to focus on writing for teachers as a MAEd specialisation.
My hopes and aspirations for my trainees are that they leave the course with an inventory of skills and knowledge to successful navigate the first months of their job but without complacency: they’ll know about the need to upgrade teaching skills on an ongoing basis.
Eliberto Salinas Vargas
I loved it when I could help my students become autonomous learners, and ever since I started my training career, I have tried to give my trainees insight into the importance of promoting critical thinking in their lessons.
Ricardo Fajardo
The key to successfully completing the teacher training course is just to work hard! Like any other profession, teaching has a number of techniques to be learnt and then mastered. You need to be ready to receive feedback and take it on board to benefit from the course even more.
DELTA Student Testimonials
The course tutors were amazing and very knowledgeable. The course fully lived up to my expectations. W. Kanashiro